Another week, another rundown of the funniest and weirdest conversations and profiles in Tinder land. If you’ve got any you think can make the cut send them in to our Facebook page or e-mail [email protected].
Let’s go:
And we’re off…
Jay would never hurt you OK?
52 miles well spent.
Dude looks like he’d rather sell you insurance than take you on a date.
Not bringing his A game.
That’s special.
What’s his policy with cannibals?
Surely that did the trick.
Tbf watching movies with snacks is the best.
It’s the Fitbit for me.
Your weekly reminder that height privilege is real.
No thanks Napoleon Dynamite.
Turns out there is such a thing as too much honesty.
How can someone get it so wrong on so many levels?
Well that’s just sad really.
I bet she’s the one at the back.
Not creepy at all.
Nothing sexier than grandma’s ashes.
Bro she said “bread”, not beard! Maybe she’s into keto?
Nightmare fuel.
Fair response.
Time to get over it, I think.
Didn’t see that one coming!
Aaaaaaand we’re done.
Alrighty then. That was fun. See you next week for more best and worst Tinder shenanigans.
For last week’s instalment, click HERE.