

Bait Car

Bait Car is one of  those crime-reality type TV shows (just like ‘To Catch a Predator’), where people are caught on TV committing a crime and then arrested for our entertainment. Bait Car is an American show (I’d love to see a UK version) which has been running for four years and is now in it’s fourth season.

The general gist to Bait Car is that a couple of cops drive a car to a spot that has a high autocar crime rate, stage an argument between themselves (or something similar, meaning they move away from the Bait Car) and then end up leaving the Bait Car unlocked with the keys in the ignition, a meth-head’s absolute wet dream. When a passing opportunist/meth-head sees the unlocked-keys-in-the-ignition-engine-running-brand-new-shiny-SUV they – as expected – jump in and steal the Bait Car. Little do the opportunist type criminals know that the Bait Car is equipped with Big Brother style CCTV cameras throughout, capturing their every move.

There’s loads of Bait Car videos all over YouTube which are pretty funny after a zute or two Here’s one of the funnier ones featuring two girls who can’t believe their luck after stumbling across the notorious Bait Car:

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