Genius New Product To Protect Your Property From Burglars




Burglars can be real annoying bastards at times. Well, they’re annoying bastards all of the time really, especially over Christmas.

I can’t really think of anything worse than waking up in the middle of the night and being met by some creep rummaging through you stuff looking for the cash and diamonds (I have neither so they wouldn’t get far at my place). Or how about coming home from a night out completely wasted and being met by a scally driving off with your car after he’d just ransacked your house and stuck your toothbrush up his arse, only to post you the photographic evidence 5 months later after daily usage. That would suck. Being burgled sucks. But luckily for us there are ways to protect your property and fend off those pesky burglars. For example, I keep an over sized maglight next to my front door to greet unwanted visitors/bailiffs/robbers with. I haven’t had to use it yet, but it’s kinda re-assuring knowing that if something did go down I’d be semi-armed. Although if the robber had a gun of some sort I’d be fucked, maybe I need to buy a gun.

If you don’t want to have to arm yourself against burglars, a company from Holland has designed a genius product that will scare off even the toughest of hardened criminals. Check it:

☛ Read Next: Idiot Walks Into Bank Holding Sign That Says “You Are Being Robbed”

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