30 Hits Of LSD



LSD Trip

It’s Friday. It’s time to party. Well done, you’ve made it through the week! Go out tonight and treat yourself by getting fucked up. Spend a load of money at some shitty bar full of V-neck wearing cunts, smoke a load of filthy cigarettes (when you don’t even smoke usually), buy a filthy greasy kebab, start a fight, have an argument with your girlfriend and wake up tomorrow in your piss stained boxers feeling like shit not knowing how you got home. Or alternatively you could grab a few of your buddies, go get some acid and a big bag of weed, and head out to a field/someone’s free house and trip balls for a few hours. Keeping yourself safe from the scum that prowls city centre streets on a Friday night. Opening your eyes to the spiritual awareness that mind-altering substances create. Go on, have some real fun.

The dude in the video below speaks about this experience with LSD when he was given 30 hits in one shot. Now we wouldn’t recommend going OTT and tripping fvcking balls for a few days straight, just take it easy and enjoy the ride, but this is what happened to this fella when he mistakenly went overboard:

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uFzhEDdexc’]



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