Limbo Skating



limbo skating

Limbo skating is one of these fucked up sports (?) that makes you think to yourself ‘how the fvck was this ever created?’. The idea behind limbo skating is that you have to do the splits while skating and get your body as low as possible as you pass under low horizontal poles (like you would if you were limbo’ing, minus the skates and splits). Limbo skating’s description on Wikipedia is as follows:

Limbo skating or roller limbo is a sport in which a person drives on roller skates underneath an obstacle like a horizontal pole without touching it. In order to pass an obstacle with a very low height, advanced athletes spread their legs apart, if possible into a full split, and lean their upper body forward, with the face almost touching the ground. As with traditional limbo dance, several athletes may participate in a competition, in which a pole is lowered from round to round. Whoever touches the pole is out, until only one winner remains.

The video below is of some girl breaking the world record for the fastest 50m limbo skate, and boy does she get hella low. Check it:

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